Many people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the first date. This date decides a potential relationship’s fate and can be the most important step in finding out whether you are compatible.
However, there are some things that can be done to make a first date more successful. Some of these include:
Don’t overshare
Oversharing on a first date is a red flag because it can show that your date has poor boundaries. Whether they are divulging details of their messy divorce, their work struggles or the latest weird rash on their child’s foot, revealing too much information can be really off-putting and a major turnoff for the rest of the date.
Many people overshare on a first date because they are feeling anxious about the situation. They may be worried about how attractive they are, if they will be able to carry on a conversation or what their date might think of them.
Alternatively, oversharing can also be an attempt to create intimacy by demonstrating vulnerability. However, it is important to remember that this type of oversharing can come across as fake and can make a person feel uneasy. It can also cause the date to become defensive, which is not the best way to start a relationship.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions
While you may be eager to talk about yourself and share your achievements, it is important that you take the time to ask your date questions as well. This will help you find out more about them and whether or not you are compatible with them.
It is also a good idea to ask your date about their interests and hobbies. This will give you a chance to see if you have any common interests and can potentially lead to further dates.
However, you should avoid asking questions that are too personal, such as about their ex or previous relationships. This can be a turn off for most people, especially women.
Don’t be afraid to be yourself
It’s fine to have some talking points in mind when going on a first date, but don’t be afraid to let the conversation go wherever it naturally does. If you feel that your date is avoiding certain topics, don’t be afraid to bring those up.
For example, you could ask them about how they decided to pursue their line of work. This is a great way to learn more about their personality and line of thinking.
However, don’t bring up topics that can be a bit too personal or controversial for a first date. This includes political affiliations, faith, and family history.
Don’t be afraid to laugh
Funny questions are great conversation starters. They can help break the ice and make your date feel more comfortable. And, if you ask the right questions, they can also teach you more about your date.
Giggle when your date makes a joke or tells a funny story. This will show that you’re into them and it can ease the tension of an awkward first date.
Don’t be afraid to laugh on a first date, but avoid laughing at things that aren’t funny. Giddiness can be interpreted as anxiety, and it will send your date the message that you’re nervous and unable to control yourself.